Wednesday, November 4, 2015

New Piano Petition Launched 11/3, Please Sign, Share, Tweet!

If you do not have time to read this whole article, for now please sign, share, tweet, etc. the following petition:

Short link:

I am a piano major that is directly affected by the cut to the piano major.  Though a senior, the elimination of graduate Pedagogy and Performance opportunities undermines my options and the elimination of the major dismantles infrastructure I was counting on to support my career path development.

I have launched a new piano petition due to issues that have arisen with the one that was started last Thursday. Unfortunately - the student that drafted the original one, well meaning, met with administration and then after over 1100 signers totally changed the language of the petition. 

It no longer is a clear statement against the cuts, it appeals for funds to donate  to Rider (which won't even go toward WCC let alone piano), includes confusing quotes of the dean like 'this is not the first time WCC cut a major' and other confusing - and not clearly opposing - text. The original petition was on point but it is unethical and irresponsible to change the petition after over 1100 signers.  This means that I will be asking people to sign the new one.  We are not against people still signing the other one but we need a clearer statement of opposition to the piano cut.

And I vow to all new signers – that the text will remain as is and that I will not be pressured by administration into any alterations or weakening of the statement.

I still give all props to Mr. Roper for having launched the original petition and the signers of that petition have still expressed clear opposition to the cut to the piano major even thought the language was changed after most of the signers were accumulated.  He helped launch the sentiment and opposition o the cuts.  While the changing of the language was a mistake – it is a minor issue in the bigger scheme of things and it says more about the lengths the administration will go to try to stifle open expression and open opposition to their policies on the Rider and Westminster campuses.  However such administration attempts will prove to be ineffective.

The signers of the original petition still “count” toward the total of petition signers in opposition to the cuts.  This business of taking a stand does not come natural and is not generally reinforced in the school systems and at many colleges.  There are many discouragements on the Rider campuses from fully participating in the struggles for a better campus, community and world.  There is an idea promoted that students must remain neutral to administration actions – an idea that is peeling away with this latest action by the administration.  The student body is waking up and learning how to walk and talk and stand and if need be – fight back!

They say cut back . . .

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