Monday, February 13, 2017

Time for solidarity with AAUP! No Move! Good faith!

Proverbial bombs dropping all over Rider - Admin sidestepping elected leadership of AAUP!
Time for solidarity with AAUP! No Move! Good faith!
Support Our Beloved Faculty!

This administration is using chaos and crisis to intentionally destabilize the faculty and students and entire community of both campuses to force us into confusion and precarious existence as a university and community . . .

Time for university wide faculty - student dialogue to plan a unified fight!

Details at AAUP - Rider site:

"Rider AAUP Members,In light of President Dell'Omo's communication to the AAUP bargaining unit, the AAUPExecutive Committee felt that it should send you a response which we believe clarifies ourrecent interactions with Administration and our position. We have also attached a PDFdocument which contains this message.We are disappointed that President Dell'Omo has chosen to violate the long standing practice ofnegotiating with the elected legal representatives of the faculty and instead has chosen to try todivide us by dealing directly with the AAUP membership. Negotiations are most productivewhen each side deals with the legal representatives of the other side.

President Dell’Omo’s claim that the AAUP chose to “break off” negotiations is simply untrue.What the AAUP negotiating team said was that negotiations require that both sides enter into adialog and that we were willing to continue that dialog but that the administration had refused tobargain and instead insisted that we simply capitulate to the essence of their demands. Wethink the words of our correspondence with administration speak for themselves (see below).We also indicated to administration in January that if they indicated a willingness to negotiateand not simply dictate demands, then we were willing to continue discussions.President Dell'Omo claims that his administration is "open and flexible," but as you can see fromour correspondence with administration, the only flexibility they have shown is in subtlevariations of the same draconian cuts to our benefits and pay, and a drastic increase in ourworkload. This lack of willingness to enter into true dialog is now accompanied by threats ofrefusing to negotiate if an agreement is not reached by a certain date.We also reject President Dell'Omo's characterization of our last proposal. We believe that a number of the statements made in that communication were based on information from Rider’s financial management office, and we believe those statements are simply incorrect.It Is important to note that the “projection” which has been repeatedly referenced by PresidentDell’Omo is simply a budget exercise, not a fixed, knowable future as he appears to suggest."

Last 3 years of administration turbulence at the behest of Rider U administration: 

AAUP Rider statement in support of Westminster: 

I am proposing a discussion on Lawrenceville campus organized by Rider Student Union inviting AAUP - lets go low key and get a dorm lounge or unused space and just sort of squat - maybe even a in a publicly shared area . . .


There is no way possible that the move can be blocked without students unifying with faculty over this latest administration maneuver to further downgrade the quality of education at Rider University.  Faculty has clearly delineated a strong and meaningful position against the move. Faculty has the reousrces to fight strong! The effort to stop the move NEEDS faculty support!

But with administration starting this second fire (like it did last year when it tried to gut piano - a strategy launched almost on the first day that Dell Omo walked into his Lawrenceville executve enclave)  it is clear the issues are not and can not be viewed separately.

So the faculty needs to divide its efforts from our fight against the move to shore up the quality of education being undermined via Dell Omo's moves against their full contract package (decimated in similar administration maneuver last year).  

The only way we have a fighting chance on EITHER AND BOTH issues is for students to consider both blocking the move and protecting quality of education (on both campuses) as same struggle - same fight - and to communicate that to faculty through active statements and actions of solidarity.

Dare to Unite! Dare to Win!

Solidarity organized through this FB group: 

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