Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Confronting the Organizations that Are My Accuser

The following is my Facebook comment on my encounter with a person who has a key role in the “coalition” and the alumni council,  The leader of those two groups recently touched off a smear against me resulting in false rumor and innuendo against my character.

The good news is in response to my Facebook comment I finally got some words of support.    The following was my Facebook comment on the matter – followed by the supportive comments.

Depicted is an example of the kinds of smear that was touched off by the head of those two organizations.

My Facebook Comment:

Recently in one of the efforts I am involved in - the head of two prominent groups involved in that same effort felt a need to publicly distance their group from me personally. It resulted in one forum a piling on including much smear, character assassination, rumor and innuendo - falsehoods.

The organization did nothing to dispel the rumors and innuendo their public pronouncement touched off.

While I disagree that there was any need for them to make the public distancing statement - I had made clear - even in a paper I printed that I am fully and solely responsible for my own views - I could understand that they felt a need to do it.

However - as these were my former colleagues - once it touched off the venomous reaction - even one person saying "he must be stopped " (lol) - they should have stepped in to clarify that they had not intended to unleash such wrath - that what was being 
said was false - and then they should have deleted the thread all together - none of that happened.

Yesterday I was able to talk to a top member of this group - not the one that started the public on-line bashing. She took umbrage to me raising it openly with her - denied any connection to the bashing (which I concurred - her name was not connected to it). She said that I should take it up with the person that started it (I did but there was no reply).

However - I do believe that if you are part of an organization and the head of your group - inflicts such harm on behalf of your group - you can not just say you have "nothing to do with it" because you do - if you are a spokesperson for the same group - you hold collective responsibility for the actions of those who act in the name of your organization.

The following is the positive feedback I have received.

I have great appreciation to you for supportive words!

Elizabeth Faraone 

Anyone who rejects you rejects that which is good.😘
Love you!

Vincnt Todaro 

Bob: I don't know what happened with your associates there. But I will say you are one of the VERY FEW people I see who posts on social media and also engages in TRUE activism. Most of what I see is masturbatory and cowardly (faux activism). Social med
ia is infamous for being a place where nut jobs, assholes, and idiots run free. There is no filter. So perhaps you should take what is said with a grain of salt, or just lambaste these people. Whatever makes you feel better and sets the record straight. Funny, just tonight I was out and bumped into a classmate of mine, whose wife had been a bitch to me on FB. I got the feeling I was not wanted by either for conversation, but I don't know for sure. But the bottom line is, I really, truly don't care (Last year she took umbrage with my praise of Colin Kaepernick. She told me he was a "jackass." I found this confusing considering this is the same woman who advised me to stop being "so negative' on FB. She twice tried to engage me by calling Colin a jackass, and I told her I had already written about 5,000 words on social media about Colin and I was not going to waste my time going over things I had spent so much time on. For this, she unfriended me, but not before one of her typically sub moronic and nasty responses. Anyhow, be well and solidarity.

Name Withheld for now.

I agree completely. Be prepared to defend public statements made by group members or get out of leadership position. Also-I'm sorry you've got to deal with shittyness. No-backbone cowards are the reason we're in ALL the messes.

Elizabeth Faraone

Maybe the organization that smeared you is infiltrated by the FBI.

Bob Witanek

Sometimes that is not even a necessary component for counter productive character assassination to be attempted.

Elizabeth Faraone

I know. Only big egos are needed.

Name withheld for now

No good deed goes unpunished! 

Illegitimi non carborundum.

Name withheld for now

Oh my. Bob, how many times has this happened to me or someone near me. once they start circling the wagons and shooting inward....get the hell out of the middle of it. The do gooders are just as programmed to be contentious and disagreeable as the bad doers.

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